2. Category Management
fmProducts - Category Section.
This chapter describes how to manage categories in osCommerce one-by-one or in bulk. Here the following topics are covered:
- Adding/Deleting osCommerce Category(ies)
- osCommerce Categories Editing
- Importing osCommerce Categories
- Exporting osCommerce Categories
Comfortable for your customers and visitors osCommerce category tree makes your Store user-friendly and tilts the balance to the advantage of your products. Store Manager for osCommerce allows you to specify, modify or remove osCommerce categories and adjust all structure to meet your needs in convenient osCommerce category management. You can browse your osCommerce category tree as easy as you browse your folders. You can manage your osCommerce category tree using simple drag-and-drop technology. It streamlines your osCommerce category management as it requires a few clicks only to make changes and simplifies this time-consuming, but so important operation.
Basic Operations:
From the toolbar and the context menu, you can perform the following basic operations:
1. Add new category calls blank Edit osCommerce category form, which is used to create a new osCommerce category.
2. To edit category you can double click on it or use edit osCommerce category button. It calls edit osCommerce category form for highlighted category. The description od basic editing operations see below.
3. You can delete selected category and its subcategories from your store . Pay attention that you won't be able to undo delete action, unless you've made d-base backup.
Note: If you have products assigned to multiple osCommerce categories they will be removed not only from selected osCommerce category, but from the store completely!
4. To expand / collapse category tree use an appropriate icons.