3. Cross Sell (X-Sell) Products


Cross sell (X-Sell) products section will be available only in case you have Cross Sell Products free osCommerce contribution installed. This contribution can be found here. Otherwise your cross sell page icon will be "greyed out", meaning that this page is unavailable. Also this page will not be available if you're using Embedded database.

Online store can have products related to each other. Let's say a customer wants to buy a cell phone, most likely one would like to purchase a charging device, memory card and a car kit along with it. So it is a a good idea to show customer these products as well. Related products provide more convenient way for store visitors to find what they would (or wouldn't) like to see, but what can be useful for them. It does increase sales, since customers may purchase even more than they planned before.

On the Cross Sell (X-Sell) Products page you can configure appearance of a product in the list of special items.

Cross-Sell Products sector

Here you can see all products at once and related products assigned to them.

Using toolbar and context menu you can perform the following operations:

Add X-Sell Product button

1. AddX-Sell product. When you click on add x-sell icon , standard search product form appears. If you type a few letters of product's name or model in "Text to Search" field, the manager will show you a list of products that match your request. If you double click on any product (multiple products) in the search results, it'll be added to current product's x-sell list. For more search options check Search Product section. Please note that products cannot be opened here for editing. If you wish to edit any specific product, go to Catalog -> Categories & Products section.

You can also set the priority for each product's X-Sell. If you look at the example, you'll see that for "Unreal Tournament" product "The Wheel of Time" X-Sell product has higher priority than "Disciples: Sacred Lands", and will be shown first. You can edit Sort Order whenever you wish to change their position.

2. Reverse Cross Sell (X-Sell). This feature simplifies the task of creating related products. Let's say, you have products B, C and D which are related to product A. Most probably (but not always) product A will be related to B, C, D products. You can just add related products for A, and then automatically set all reverse relations. Just select product A and select one of the options from the menu:

Reverse Cross-Sell Products button

3. Smart Cross Sell (X-Sell). This feature allows you to create related products for one or more selected products automatically, analyzing customers orders. It goes through all orders, searching products that were purchased together (in the same order). These products will be considered as related to each other depending on several options which you may configure:

Smart Cross Sell button
  • Max X-Sell items count - assigns no more than specified number of related products to given product. In other words, it tells Store Manager not to add new related products if some product already contains specified number of related products.
  • Minimum orders count - considers items as related only if they appear in specified number of orders. Say, you have specified 2 (orders) there - Store Manager will set products as related only if 2 or more orders contain these products.
  • Start orders analysis from - orders made before this date will not be considered as an X-Sell products source.
Refresh button

4. Refresh data button forces special products' list update. It is useful when you're changing connection or have any doubts e.g. whether the latest data were displayed or not.

5. By clicking on delete button you'll remove selected product only from the specials list, not from the database

6. To adjust columns width use auto-size icon.

Clear and Adjust column width buttons